Thursday, August 04, 2011

First Circuit -- Igartua v. US

Igartua v. US

En banc rehearing denied.

ICCPR is not self-executing, and therefore does not bind US Courts.

Concurrence: After MedellĂ­n and Abbott, we cannot ignore the consistent and strongly held views of the Executive and the Senate that the ICCPR is not self-executing.

Dissent (though not called a dissent in the opionion) - Significant constitutional issues raised, quotes from Koz & Easterbrook on threshold of risk to liberties for en banc, Medellin didn't examine the issue closely enough; 

Dissent  - Constitutional and treaty questions justify en banc hearing.

Dissent - Enfranchisement of millions warrants hearing.
Compiled by D.E. Frydrychowski, who is, not incidentally, not giving you legal advice.

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Author's SSRN page here.