Saturday, May 11, 2013

2,500 or so

Sometime yesterday, we passed 2,500 posts.  (It's best to mark the milepost a bit inaccurately than not to mark it at all -- at least from a traveller's point of view.)

The objective of the blog remains the same as it was at launch -- a quick summary of and link to the day's published decisions from Circuit Courts of Appeal.  We're aware that some Circuits' web links are dynamically generated, and that they might not last more than a day or so, but if you click the subject tabs above, you can get a rough sampling of recent decisions on a given subject.  

As always, entertainment purposes only -- it is most emphatically not the purpose of this blog to say what the law is.

And we thank you for your support.

Compiled by D.E. Frydrychowski, who is, not incidentally, not giving you legal advice.

Category tags above are sporadically maintained Do not rely. Do not rely. Do not rely.

Author's SSRN page here.